Accurate inflow and outflow (usage) tracking for better water management

Accurate inflow and outflow (usage) tracking for better water management

Waltr A is an advanced water level monitoring device that utilizes ultrasonic time of flight technology to provide precise, real-time measurements of water levels in tanks. It seamlessly transmits data to a mobile app, allowing users to monitor and manage water levels remotely with ease. Designed for effortless installation and operation, Waltr A delivers reliable insights and alerts, enhancing water management efficiency and ensuring optimal use.

How Waltr A calculates inflow and outflow?

The ultrasonic sensor fitted in Waltr A tracks the water entering and leaving your tank by measuring the changes in water level. When water comes into the tank (inflow), the water level rises. Similarly, when water goes out of the tank (outflow), the water level drops.

Based on the shape and dimensions of the tank, it can convert this level change data to a volume measurement. By recording the water level changes over time, the system calculates how much water has come into the tank and how much water has been consumed.

When inflow and outflow happen simultaneously, Waltr A uses historical data to estimate water usage for the period, ensuring an accurate overview of your water consumption.

Let’s dive deeper and get an understanding of how exactly this works.

The Assumptions

Waltr A operates on two key assumptions:

  1. Water usage patterns are predictable when tracked on an hourly basis.

    In buildings, water usage typically fluctuates depending on the time of day. For example, there may be peak usage during morning hours (due to showers, cooking, etc.) and lower usage at night. Tracking on an hourly basis captures these patterns, giving insights into when water demand is highest and lowest. Over a period of time, this becomes a predictable pattern and helps estimate how much water is used during periods of simultaneous inflow and outflow.

  2. Inflow is generally higher than outflow.

    Outflow from the tank keeps happening throughout the day. When the water level in the tank falls below a fixed level, the pump is turned on to fill water into the tank. The rate at which the pump refills the water into the tank must be higher than the rate at which water is being consumed, otherwise the tank will never get filled. This assumption helps the system detect the true inflow even when outflow is occurring simultaneously.

The Challenge

Waltr A calculates inflow and outflow by looking at the change in the water level. However, when water is being added and used at the same time, it can be tricky to measure both accurately. For example, if 1000 liters of water is added and 200 liters is used, the tank will show a net increase of 800 liters, which doesn’t tell the full story.

How Waltr A solves it?

  • Water Level Tracking: Waltr A continuously checks the water level in your tank. By knowing the size and shape of the tank, it calculates the amount of water coming in and going out.

  • Handling Both Inflow and Outflow: When water is being added and used at the same time, Waltr A uses historical data to figure out how much water is usually used during that time. This assumes that water usage patterns can be tracked on an hourly basis.

  • Adjusting Results: Using this historical data, Waltr A adjusts its estimates to show a more accurate amount of water coming in and going out, instead of just the net change. This assumes that inflow is typically higher than outflow, ensuring accurate detection of inflow.

The Outcome

By combining real-time water level monitoring with historical usage data, Waltr A gives you a clearer and more accurate picture of your water inflow and outflow. This makes it easier to manage your water efficiently. Whether you're managing a residential tank or a larger system, Waltr A with its advanced calculations provide the clarity you need to optimize your water usage.